"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news." Romans 10:15
One of my all time favorite verses.
Someday I want to have it tattooed on the side of my foot.
A reminder of...
How beautiful...
Or maybe how backwards...
Isn't that how the Kingdom of God seems to be.
To be great, you must become less.
To lead, you must serve.
To truly live, you must die to self.
Beautiful feet...
Feet that have travelled from Indiana clay to the African soil.
Feet that have ran through paved streets surrounded by mansions.
Feet that walked on dusty dirt roads between tin shacks with mud floors.
Feet that have dined with the wealthy.
Feet that have been touched by beggars.
Feet that have stayed put while babies needed held at home.
Feet that have travelled when the orphans needed someone to show up.
How backwards isn't it...
Our beautiful feet aren't so beautiful.
Our feet actually dirty and calloused.
Our feet become rough and not soft.
Our feet have been broken, hurt, and tired.
Our feet need soaked and scrubbed with a pumas stone.
Feet that have seen much and travelled afar.
Feet that bring love, redemption, truth, and grace.
At the end of the day, I step into the tub and wash the African dust between my toes.
But How beautiful...
Feet that follow.
Feet that go.
There is beauty in that.
Because following Jesus is sometimes dirty and messy.
Following Jesus takes you places you never thought you go.
He is the one who scrubs and cleans.
He is the one who light shines through our glorious mess.
He is the one who builds character and changes lives in the process.
There is beauty there.
That's where true beauty lies.
Beauty in the obedience of bringing good news.
So all my life I want to remember...
How Beautiful are the feet...
One Change a Day,
Aime Beth