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Aime and her husband Joe have been married for 24 years and live in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio with their 6 kids, four bio and two adopted from Ethiopia. They have served on staff at 3 megachurches and have been in ministry for 24 years. Aime holds a BA in Bible and has a passion for and shares about marriage and family, adoption and orphan care, and nutrition and fitness. In 2020, Aime had a Cochlear Implant and openly talks about her journey in hopes of encouraging and helping others in the same boat. Between being a interracial family and having a hearing impairment, she understands the life of being a "conspicuous" family. Stick around and you'll find a place of grace here...we are all on a journey and life is much better to do together than alone!


"Keep making one change a day to getting to where and who you want to be tomorrow!" 

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