"Ask yourself if what you are doing today
is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow"
Aime and her husband Joe have been married for 24 years and live in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio with their 6 kids, four bio and two adopted from Ethiopia. They have served on staff at 3 megachurches and have been in ministry for 24 years. Aime holds a BA in Bible and has a passion for and shares about marriage and family, adoption and orphan care, and nutrition and fitness. In 2020, Aime had a Cochlear Implant and openly talks about her journey in hopes of encouraging and helping others in the same boat. Between being a interracial family and having a hearing impairment, she understands the life of being a "conspicuous" family. Stick around and you'll find a place of grace here...we are all on a journey and life is much better to do together than alone!
"Keep making one change a day to getting to where and who you want to be tomorrow!"