Mar 4, 20212 min

WKYC News Segment about my Cochlear Implant

Updated: Mar 17, 2021

A few months ago, I read Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. It's all about being brave and vulnerable and not being held captive by shame. It is a scary thing to share your story. It's a scary thing to let yourself be seen. "If we are willing to dare greatly and risk vulnerability with each other, worthiness has the power to set us free." Worthiness is owning your story and moving forward. Before the accident, I rarely shared my story about my deafness. Last month, a friend reached out to see I would be willing to do a positive news interview for WKYC. I agreed. Right before it aired, I started to dig it up doubt. So often we do this, right? We overthink every word, sentence, emotion afraid of what others may say or think. We remember past hurts of when we were vulnerable and it didn't pan out so well. Then friend after friend text me yesterday encouraging and reaffirming my decision to do it. Those are friends we need our arena. Not the doubters or discouragers, but the ones who show up and celebrate our successes and pick us up when we are defeated. I've encountered both in life. My prayer was that this would help at least one person. I woke this morning to several emails and one was an email from someone searching for answers for her own journey with hearing impairment. God knows and He sees us where we are. He just wants our obedience in the "yes" of doing the next right thing. One step at a time. We have to silence the critics and step into the arena. So here is the segment:

One Change a Day,

Aime Beth